Tuesday, September 25, 2007

#11- Thing from the Library

LibraryThing rocks. Seriously. I wish I had known that such a bitchin' utility existed before. Now I can find even more reading selections to suit my oddball tastes.

This may be stretching things a bit, but this sort of thing kinda reminds me of co-citation analysis from liberry school (which, incidentally, is the same basic premise behind the Google engine, but they use links rather than citations- basically translating a textual technique to a hypertext environment). My point is that if I list a rockin' book, and Person X and Person Y also list that rockin' book, well, chances are that certain other books that X & Y have in common may also, verily, be rockin'.

This quality of literary rocking-ness makes LibraryThing, by extension, uh, rockin'.

Oh yeah, check out the widgetmajig on the right. And here's a link to my liberry: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/jdub5248