Saturday, August 25, 2007

...and #9.

Verily do I venture forth into the bewilderingly vast expanse of the feed-o-verse and the bloggadimensions, attempting to chart a course using various feed-finding tools.

Just to get an idea of how these various tools worked, I did a general search for "childhood leukemia". The winners, in my mind, were the Bloglines search and Feedster. They both returned pertinent results with useful summaries, and I was able to narrow results to just feeds. Topix, frankly, sux- one of the results it returned concerned Giselle Bundchen's possible pregnancy by Tom Brady (woo hoo!), with nary a search term in sight. I appreciate the idea of Syndic8 (the user-submitted aspect), but my test search found nothing (although just "leukemia" returned many hits) It would appear that Syndic8's search tool does not allow word clusters; a search for "George Bush" (in quotes) returned nothing, while the same search without quotes returned numerous hits. Finally, Technorati was OK, but I prefer news feeds to blog posts.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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