Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thing 19: Blogger's Choice

Now this is what I call a useful site! Occasionally, after a long day of bloody intellectual battles and mind-numbing excursions through multidimensional L-Space, I like to soothe my brain with a cool, delicious cocktail. Now, I'm not a huge drinker (I'm gettin' too old for that crap), so I'm no expert on mixed drinks (although me wife, ex-bartender that she is, has some knowledge in this area); this site is designed to help chumps like me in their quest for an after-hours cocktail. Let's see- I've got some bourbon, some triple sec and some tonic water...what can I make with that? Well, just type "bourbon" in the "find cocktails" bar, click go, and whaddaya know? With that OJ in the fridge, some triple sec and the bourbon, I can make a Bourbon Rose! Sweeeet!

This site was obviously concocted by either a bartender or someone who really likes to drink. It's easy to use and the info seems pretty reliable. The design could use some help, though, since the site is not very eye-catching. I could actually see this being useful as a reference site, since you can also search for drinks by title and have the recipe at your fingertips. All in all, an excellent site for someone with a bunch of leftover booze and no idea what to do with it.

Bottoms up!

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